Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- 7. Añade la terminación -ísimao-(simo)forma palabras esdrújulas. Guapa seguro bueno is Tarde rápido blanca 8. Convierte las palabras en sobresdrújulas Agrega los pronombres personales necesarios. Traduciendo __ informando __ Terminando __ poniendo __ 9. Agregar la terminación -mente a las palabras y forma palabras sobresdrújulas. Práctico __ útil __ fácil __
- 7. Añade la terminaciór -isima o-ísimo y forma palabras esdrújulas. Guapa seguro bueno Tarde rápido blanca 8. Convierte las palabras en sobresdrújulas Agrega los pronombres personales necesarios. Traduciendo __ informando __ Terminando __ poniendo __ 9. Agregar la terminació n-mente a las palabras y forma palabras sobresdrújulas. Práctico __ útil __ fácil __
- ALL of the following statements are true about powerful short sentences EXCEPTE Select the correct ensuer Powerful short sentences are Independent clauses when they contain a subject and verb and function as a complete sentence. Powerful short sentences can add variety to and Increase reader Interest of a text. Powerful short sentences can add specific meaning to a text. Powerful short syntences are Independent clauses when they contain just a subject and function as a complete sentence.
- [1] Tina, will you marry with me?" This was my first proposal from Erwin Bach, the love -at-first-sight love of my life, the man who made me feel dizzy the first time I saw him. His phrasing was a bit quaint-he's German, so English is not his first language-but I liked it. He was probably a little surprised when I said, "I don't have an answer"All I knew was that it wasn't yes and it wasn't no. This was in 1989, after we had been together for three years. I was turning fifty, and Erwin who was thirty-three thought I needed a commitment from him. He was gracious to offer but I loved our relationship just the way it was. Plus, I wasn't certain how I felt about marriage. Marriage can change things and, in my experience, not always for the better [2] Twenty-three years later (so much for not having a commitment), Enwin proposed again. This time, his timing was perfect. We were with a dozen close friends.cruising the Mediterranean on our friend Sergio's yacht, the Lady Marina Looking back, I should have known something significant was about to happen. We were somewhere very pretty but it wasn't romantic enough for Erwin I found out later that he consulted Sergio, who suggested we sail to the Greek island of Skorpios "Erwin, this is the best place I know for a most romantic moment, Sergio promised him. Tumer. Tina. My Low Ston 2018 "Looking back, I should have known something significant was about to har happen? QUESTION 5 What universal theme is already addre In these first two paragraphs? The Other Coming of age Romantic love Familial love (love of family
- Excerpt from My Love Story by Tina Turner [1] "Tina, will you marry with me?" This was my first proposal from Enwin Bach, the love -at-first-sight love of my life, the man who made me feel dizzy the first time I saw him. His phrasing was a bit quaint-he's German, so English is not his first language-but I liked it. He was probably a little surprised when I said, "I don't have an answer"All knew was that it wasn't yes and it wasn't no . This was in 1989, after we had been together for three years. I was turning fifty, and Erwin who was thirty-three thought I needed a commitment from him. He was gracious to offer but I loved our relationship just the way It was. Plus, I wasn't certain how I felt about marriage. Marriage can change things and, in my experience, not always for the better [2] Twenty-three years later iso much for not having a commitment), Erwin proposed again. This time, his timing was perfect We were with a dozen close friends, cruising the Mediterranean on our friend Sergio's yacht, the Lady Marina Looking back, I should have known something significant was about to happen. We were somewhere very pretty but it wasn't romantic enough for Erwin I found out later that he consulted Sergio, who suggested we sail to the Greek island of Skorpios Sergio, who suggested place I know for a most romantic moment," QUESTION 4 What line gives away the fact that this Is the start of a defining moment story? "Plus, I wasn't certain how I felt about marriage: "Tina, will you marry with me?" "His phrasing was a bit quaint-he's German,so English is not his first language-but I liked it" "Looking back, I should have known something significant was about to happen."