Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- QUESTION 8 What is this article mainly about? A. The global banking crisis has affected Canadian processors as well as Maine lobstermen. B. Lobster prices are plunging due to high supply, low demand, and a struggling economy. C. Maine lobstermen currently haul much more lobsters than they used to. D. The annual catch of lobster has more than doubled in the past 15 years.
- Which of these is a statement of opinion? A. Throughout the northeastern United States the price of Maine lobster is sinking rapidly. B. Lobsterman would be sensible to start thinking about getting work in another industry. C. Seafood shops are selling lobster for about the same price as some cheap cuts of meat. D. Wages paid to lobstermen are as low as they were following the September 11 tragedy.
- the selection from the Point essay below (paragraph 10)? The philosophy of Lehman Alternative Community School in Ithaca, New York, is to encourage "students to use freedom responsibly, and to make educational choices appropriate to their individual levels of development." LACS long ago got rid of gold stars, stickers, and even most grades in favor of intrinsic motivation. At an All School Meeting every week, students make decisions on issues facing the school. They make choices about their courses of study and reflect on their learning and achievement.They complete community projects and take trips outside the classroom . FL. ELA.K12.EE 1.1 FL-ELA K12.EE.2.1 Choice and intellectual freedom inspire a sense of investment in learning. Students are only motivated if they get to do whatever they want. Students will be motivated to learn if they don't have to worry about grades Community projects help students be appreciative and supports motivation to do well in school. Which of the following statements about motivation is best supported by
- The article states: Lobstermen in Maine would normally be ecstatic with a harvest as bountiful as this year's. Which would be the closest synonym for the word bountiful? A. Bleak B. Abundant C. Annual D. Bashful
- 4. This question has 2 parts, First, answer Part A, Then, answor Part B. PART A Read this sentence from paragraph 3. When power corrupts, poetry cloanses. How does Konnedy's use of antithosis support one of the main idoos of this possage? a. The contrast between power and poetry supports Kennedy's claim that poets are better people than powerfu leaders. b. The contrast betwoon power and pootry supports Kennedy's claim that studying poetry makes poople botter politicians. C. The contrast between power and poetry supports Kennedy's claim that poetry only speaks to powerful peoplo. d. The contrast between power and pootry supports Konnedy's claim that artists have an Important Influence on the nation. Based on your answer in Part A, why is Kennody's uso of antithesis offoctive? a. By making a strong contrast between the two, Kennedy emphasizes positive aspects of poetry. b. By making a vivid comparison between the two, Kennedy demonstratos how poetry can Improve politicians' spooch making skills. C. By making a strong contrast between the two, Kennody Idonlifies the admirablo qualities of poets and artists. d. By making a vivid comparison botween the two, Kennedy illustratos the relationship botween studying poetry and holding power. PART B