Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- 49. "There be no blush about my name." A. Abigail B. Proctor C. Mary D. Hale
- 50. "Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a fortress may be accounted small:" A. Abigail B. Proctor C. Mary D. Hale
- It was the bottom of the ninth inning The Cougars were due to bat with the scoi ? tied at three apiece I couldn't believe we had advanced this far in the playoffs. Rigni off the bat, the starting pitcher walked the first two players. I was due up practiced my swing in the on-deck circle, the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't settle down. The Cougars needed a solid hit to score the runner from second and win the game. I wanted to be the hero; I wanted it so badly I could taste it The stone- faced pitcher reeled back and unleashed the ball.I had no idea what pitch to expect. Fastball, curve, change up, who knew? I just closed my eyes, gripped the bat tightly.and dug in my heels. I hoped to connect and send the pitch over the third baseman's head What is the meaning of stone-faced pitcher? A. Aface with many lines and wrinkles B. Aface that shows lots of expression C. Aface showing no expression D. Aface that looks like a boulder
- Question 9 (1 point) What does Hecate , the goddess of witchcraft, plan for Macbeth? a To lure him into a cavern and have the witches kill him with a potion b To give him prophecies that say the opposite of the ones he first received To show him visions that will falsely make him feel secure d To appeal to his conscience and make him fully understand his guilt
- Cold Fire han's legs felt like rubber. The more he tried to stand straight, the more they wobbled. He let like he was standing on a mountain of spaghetti. If he moved just an inch, the Sarge would yell at him. But his legs contrust to shake and ratte like window panes in a tornado It was almost the end of another hard day at the cadet school. All of the other cadets were exhausled and wanted to sleep. After dinner, they were told to stand and had been standing in place for the last hour Iran wondered how long he'd have to keep standing He counted the days snce he had joined the army, and it had only been seven han had enlisted because he wanted to show his mother he would be the best solder in the entire Russian army He could feel the creaking of the barrack floors. It was like the world was pushing beneath him, but he stood still. Suddenly, the Sergeant broke through the barrack's doors "Don't move __ Don't move __ " was the only thing han could think of while the Sarge stopped in front of him. WHEREAREYOU FROM, CADE T?T he yelled at Ivan "SiR, Sberia, Sifer he responded as he was taught to do. He could not afford to make any mistakes or show any weakness WHATS IN SEBERIA PRIVATENT the Sarge yelled even louder this time Ivan knew that the purpose was only to frighten him, so he wouldn't be scared Even so, the only words he could say were "SiR eh __ SIR __ "He could feel his "comrades" laughing but also their lear from expressing it. IS THERENOTHANG MORE THAN SNOW IN SEBERUAT "SiR, forests, SIR."he said with a frightened voice __ DOYOULOVE TREES OR SOMETHINGT the Sarge barked Just when han fet a tear in his right eye, another kid saved him. Ivari's comrade just could not stand there whost laughing and started to gove The Sarga ran over to the other side of the longbarrack and yelled, "YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS FURSEYTH He slopped and importad the cadats. "Sil NCE VATELOVES COVEDY SOMUCH, HNEANOT ERJOKE FO RALLO YOU __ SOUPSAROUNDTHE BARRACKSI NOW MOVE, MOVE, MO ra whiched from Cold from by End Genters 1 Read this sentence from the passage. "But his legs continued to shake and rattle like window panes in a tomado." What is the effect of the imagery the author uses in this description? A. It shows how terrified lvan felt. B. It shows that Ivan is out of shape C. It shows there is a storm coming D. It shows that Ivan is well prepared