Ayuda para tareas médicas
¿No sería fantástico si existiera información clínica electrónica y herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones que pudieran ayudar a los médicos a encontrar la información que necesitan rápidamente, reduciendo en gran medida la cantidad de errores quirúrgicos y de medicación causados por una mala toma de decisiones por parte de los médicos? Actualmente, existen muchas aplicaciones de asistencia médica en el mercado para ayudarlo, y questionai es la elección natural debido a sus avanzados modelos y algoritmos de inteligencia artificial.
Este asistente médico es una información médica profesional y una aplicación de "toma de decisiones" clínica orientada a herramientas. El objetivo es reducir los errores de medicación de los médicos y posicionar la atención primaria. Proporciona dos servicios principales: experiencia e información médica general, y herramientas de evaluación y conversión basadas en farmacias para médicos y organizaciones de atención primaria.
- sizee TRUST VS MISTRUST Summarize the following in box #1: The first stage starts at birth and lasts until the age of one. Basic trust is formed during this time as the infant is dependent on its caregivers for survival. The infant needs a safe environment that will allow them to feel secure.If the caregiver does not meet the child's needs by providing adequate levels of safety and love then they may not be able to have trust form in adulthood.
- A researcher studied rats to determine the effectiveness of a new drug on acetylcholine receptor sites. First, the rats were trained to find a reward at the end of a maze. Next the rats were randomly assigned to two groups. One group of rats were injected with the new acetylcholine-like drug. The second group of rats were injected with a saline solution. Finally,researchers measured how many mistakes the rats made as they navigated the maze Which of the following research methods was used by the researchers? A Correlational A B square B C Naturalistic observation c D Case study
- 4. Un elemento importante en el proceso del aprendizaje es la experiencia; define breve mente los dos tipos de experiencia. a) __ b) __ . II. Define con tus palabras lo siguiente. 1. Las características de lo que se puede considerar como organización perceptual. __ 2. ¿Qué es la percepción profunda? __
- ducational system has latent functions as well. The educationales others ares at Educators do not usually think of schools as day some fattles for two-income couples or single parents yet they serve that func- are facilities arents vote for additional school taxes so that their sons and daugh- rscan delinquency by holding juveniles indoors during the daytime. Neither find dates or marriage partners. Schools are not consciously designed to perschools intended as training grounds for athletes.Nonetheless, all these activ- ities are latent functions of the school system. Each ofunctional. Tracking, ford also has some consequences that are nega- of the functions mentioned also has some consequences that are neen. the structure from generation to generation. In addition evidence suggests that tracking is harmful to those placed on "slower"tracks. TREADING PROGRESS CHECK Generalizing Why can latent functions be either positive or negative?
- ceneralizing Why can latent functions be either positive or negative?