Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- A. Reebok C. Nike B. Adidas D. K Swiss 14. Greeks are responsible for these famous games: A. X Games C. Hunger Games B. Olympics D. None of the above 15. Greek territories were called: A. city-states C. city-nations B. counties D. None of the above True or False: 5 questions (4 pts each) 16. Mt. Olympus is the highest mountain peak in Greece A. True B. False 17. Plato was condemned to death for "corrupting the youth of Athens" A. True B. False 18. An oracle is someone who could speak the message of the Gods A. True B. False 19. The Phalanx is responsible for most of Alexander the Great's victories A. True B. False 20. Greek battering ram boats are known as Frigates A. True B. False Matching: 5 questions (4 pts each) 21. Dorians __ A. NASA program/Greek God
- 16. The principles leading to the 17th and 18th century revolutions in France England, and the United States are central to which type of government? Communist Theocratic Democratic Socialist
- 16. The principles leading to the 17th and 18th century revolutions in France England and the United States are central to which type of government? Communist Theocratic Democratic Socialist
- 17. Which of the following best summarizes the principle of representative government fought for in the American Revolution? Leaders are elected every four years. The legislature makes laws for the people The people elect leaders to act on their behalf. Political power is separated among three branches.
- C. 20 D. Homer 7. The Greek God of the Sea. Symbol: The Trident. C.Athena A. Hercules B. Periet D. Hermes A. Zeus 8. The Greek King of the Gods. Symbol: The Thunderbolt. D. None of the above B. Poscidon C. Zea A. Hades B. Aphrodite 9. 12 main Gods of ancient Greek religion are known as: C. Fantastic 12 D. The Avengers A. Champions B.Olympians 10. Alexander the Great's father who conquered Greece: C. Attila the Hun A. Philip III D. Philip II B. Alexander Sr. 11. The Egyptians built this city for Alexander the Great: A. Athens C. Alexandria B. Rome D. Constantinople 12. Alexander took control of Anatolia, Egypt, and Mesopotamia by defeating this army: A. Carthage C. Roman B. Persian D. Sumerian 13. Goddess of Victory: