Ayuda con la tarea de literatura
La literatura es una forma de arte que expresa y comunica ideas, emociones y experiencias a través del lenguaje. Es una parte integral de la cultura humana, abarcando una amplia gama de formas y estilos. Las obras literarias pueden incluir novelas, poesía, teatro, ensayos y más. La literatura no sólo refleja antecedentes sociales, históricos y culturales, sino que también inspira la imaginación, las emociones y la capacidad de pensamiento crítico de los lectores. A través de la literatura, las personas pueden explorar el mundo interior de la humanidad, comprender diferentes perspectivas y valores y experimentar el disfrute de la belleza. La literatura tiene un impacto significativo en el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo social.
- La semana pasada hicimos todas las cosas que habiamos soñado por años.Fuimos al concierto de Sol del Perú, un grupo musical extraordinario que toca música andina. Después nos dimos el gusto de escuchar a los cantantes en la plaza de Cuzco, mientras ellos tocaban la guitarra,la flauta y todos los demás instrumentos musicales de la música andina Estuvimos escuchándolos por mucho tiempo hasta que nuestros guias nos indicaron que debiamos preparamos para abordar el tren a Machu Picchu dentro de los próximos quince minutos. Todavia podiamos sentir la fantástica alegria de esa música cuando ibamos subiendo los peldaños de la escalera hacia la misteriosa ciudad Inca. ¿Qué habrá en nuestra próxima aventura? __ todavia no la he planeado... pero jestén preparados! Preguntas de comprensión: (Please number your answers in the space provided below.Your answers musi be full sentences in Spanish) 1. ¿Cuándo fueron estas personas a este lugar? 2. ¿Qué concierto fueron a ver? 3. ¿Qué tipo de instrumentos tocaba ese grupo? 4. ¿Adónde iban estas personas después del concierto? 5. ¿Qué es lo que todavía podian sentir mientras subian?
- Which sentence from the text BEST supports the theme that we have to work hard to achieve our goals? Since he had visited San Francisco, California, with his parents when he was twelve, Daniel had aspired to be a sidewalk artist. Daniel lifted his head and smiled at the little girl, his face radiating perfect contentment at last. Daniel hadn't wanted to because he felt it was his calling in life to be a sidewalk artist and to study medicine would be to betray his dream __ Every summer after that visit to the City by the Bay, he had taken drawing and painting lessons, perfecting his work and even earning prizes in various art contests throughout his high school years.
- instructions Alud the question carefully and select the best answer The folowing pactage from "Parsley"is written in the __ tense, from a __ point of view (lines 7-9) we he down screaming as rain punches through and we come up green We cannot speak an Ru out of the swamp the come appears B. past third person
- Which line from the text BEST represents the view that respecting parental wishes can have good consequences? A He painted the essence of Pier 39, and he felt liberated and more at peace with himself than he'd folt since high school. B. Being a successful pediatrician just hadn't been enough. For the last six weeks, whenever the patient load was light at his small medical practice and one of his partners took over for him, Daniel picked up his easel and paints and rode the red cable cars down to Pier 39. D. Though it had honored his parents and earned him an excellent living with worthwhile work, the decision to study medicine had sent him back into the cocoon
- This question has two parts. First, answer part A.Then, answer part B. Part A: Which of these inferences can be made after reading Daniel's reaction to the little girl's comments at the end of the text? Daniel understands that children are more able than adults to appreciate artistic endeavors. Daniel appreciatos the child's recognition of his true identity. Daniel realizes that he should have turned down the scholarship to medical school and became an artist. Daniel hopes that he can inspire other young people to become sidewalk artists. Part B: Which sentence from the text BEST illustrates your answer in part A? A Since he had visited San Francisco, California, with his parents when he was twelve, Daniel had aspired to be a sidewalk artist.