Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- coming . Period __ 1. How did people in Houston and New Orleans adapt similarly to those in The Netherlands?Cómo se adaptaron de manera similar las personas de Houston y Nueva Orleans a las de los Paises Bajos? 2. What infrastructure do the Dutch use to manage flooding?:Qué infractinctura utilizan los holandeses para gestionar las inundaciones? 3. What were the main effects of the Industrial Revolution on European migration":Childes fucron los principales efectos de la Revolución Industrial cn la migración curopea? 4.How did urbanization change in Western Europe during the 1800s? Cómo cambió la urbanización en Europa occidental durante el siglo XIX? 5.What economic factors drove European imperialism in Southeas Asia?:Qué factores condmicos impulsaron el imperialismo curopeo en el sudeste asiático? 6.What political transition occurred in Germany after World War I?_(乙)Quacute (e) transición politica ocurrió en Alemania después de la Primera Guerra Mundial? 7.How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to the growth of overseas empires?:Cóm contribuy6 la Revolución Industrial al crecimiento de los imperios de ultramar? 8. What was the primary motive behind European imperialism in the 19th century?:Cuál fue cl motivo principal detrás del imperialismo europeo en el siglo XIX? 9.What was the symbolic significance of the Berlin Wall during the Cold War?_(6)Cuacute (a)l fue el significado simbólico del Muro de Berlin durante la Guerra Fria? 10. What were the two main objectives behind the formation of the European Union?:Cuáles fueron los dos objetivos principales detrás de la formación de la Unión Europea?
- Perspective A "I was just living my life, and that's what I wanted to do. And it's a crime to do that. I didn't feel guilty because I didn't do anything wrong. Every day in school, we said the Pledge of Alleglance, "with liberty and justice for all, and I believed all that. I was an American citizen, and I had as many rights as anyone else." - Fred Korematsu, an interview with the New York Times Perspective B __ The area lying to the west of Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains in Washington, Oregon and California, is highly critical not only because the lines of communication and supply in the Pacific theater pass through it, but also because of the vital industrial production therein, particularly aircraft. In the war in which we are now engaged racial affiliations are not severed by migration. The Japanese race is an enemy race and while many second and third generation Japanese born on United States soil, possessed of United States citizenship, have become "Americanized,' the racial strains are undiluted." - General John L. DeWitt, head of the Western Defense Command, February 14, 1942 What specific language from the perspectives above justifies Executive Order 9066 by encouraging the incarceration of Japanese Americans and immigrants during World War II? Perspective B, "The Japanese race is an enemy race" encouraged the incarceration. Perspective B, "In the war in which we are now engaged" encouraged the incarceration. Perspective A, "I was just living my life" c encouraged the incarceration. Perspective A, "I didn't feel guilty" encouraged the incarceration.
- Directions: Closely read Document A and answer the question that follows. DOCUMENT A: Apology Act for the 1930s Mexican Repatriation Program, excerpt, 2005 During the Great Depression , some Mexican Americans and documented Mexicans were forcibly deported by government entities. ... (h) As a result of these illegal activities families were forced to abandon. or were defrauded of personal and real property.which often was sold by local authorities as "payment"for the transportation expenses Incurred in their removal from the United States to Mexico. __ The State of Californla apologizes to those individuals __ for the fundamental violations of their basic civil liberties and constitutional rights committed during the perlod of Illegal deportation and coerced emigration __ Which quote indicates that government authorities made a concerted effort to push out Mexican immigrants during the Great Depression? -The State of California apologizes ...for the fundamental violations of ... constitutional rights committed during the period of illegal deportation... -...As a result of these illegal activities, families were forced to abandon or were defrauded of, personal and real property. -...sold by local authorities as 'payment". -. transportation expenses incurred in their removal from the United States to Mexico..."
- What did Tabei have to do before she was able to climb Annapurna III? A Find businesses to help pay for the trip B Seek a permit from an official organization C Recover from injuries caused by an avalanche D Persuade other women to join her climbing club
- Directions: Closely read Document C and corroborate the content with your existing knowledge to answer the question. DOCUMENT C: Excerpt from A Different Mirror a History of Multicultural America "Chapter 14 World War II American Dilemmas,"written by Professor Emeritus of the University of California, Berkeloy Ronald Takaki, 2008 "... As they stood on the land of their birth, however, they could not be certain they had defeated prejudice In America. Captain Inouye discovered they had not won the war at home. He was on his way back to Hawall in 1945 when he tried to get a halrcut in San Francisco Entering the barbershop with his empty right sleeve pinned)to his army Jacket covered with ribbons and medals for his milltary herolsm Captain Inouye was told: "We don't serve Japs here.' 25ldots Why might a historian not consider the deplction of racial discrimination to be representative of the experiences of all Japanese Americans during World War ii? One account may not be representative of the experiences of all Japanese -Americans during WWII The account was not properly cited within the book. A historian is allowed to discount other historians points of view. The author of A Different Mirror A History of Multicultural America may not be reliable.