Ayuda con la tarea de historia
La historia es un tema fascinante para algunos y aburrido para otros. Mientras que algunos estudiantes se emocionan con los diversos eventos, batallas y personalidades interesantes del pasado, a otros les resulta muy difícil memorizar la cronología de las batallas, los nombres de líderes influyentes y la gran cantidad de información que ofrece la materia.
Afortunadamente, con estas preguntas y respuestas de historia, le resultará fácil recordar algunos de los acontecimientos más importantes y la hora exacta en que sucedieron. No se preocupe demasiado, incluso si los nombres de estas personas clave le hacen girar la cabeza. Nuestra ayuda con la tarea de historia tiene una función de asociación de inteligencia artificial que las asociará con algunas historias interesantes para ayudarte a recordarlas mejor.
- What effect did the sinking of the Lusitania have on World Wor P ic opinion against many Germany refused to join the league of nations U.S leaders proposed military alliance with Germany
- 7. Describe the impact of the Line of Demarcation and the Treaty of Tordesillas on the division of territories between Spain and Portugal.
- While the U.S. Constitution was being considered by the states, what concern did Anti-Federalists have about it? A It did not adequately protect Individuals rights. B It made the national government too weak. C It gave Congress too much power over the president. D It granted too much power to state and local governments. Using what you learned answer the test item again. The BEST answer is square
- Hitler and the Nazi Leaders 1. Name two conditions of the Treaty of Versailles that the German people were resentful about. A:had to pay cost or the war B: They had their l land d taken 2. The Nazi party in its earliest years put Adolf Hitler in charge of __ 3. The NAZI party discovered Hitler's talent for speaking and giving speeches It is discovered that when Hitler is on stage, he becomes another __ 4. The SA became known as the Brown __ 5. Hermann Goering decided to join the NAZI political party to get more power for __ 6. When Hitler decided to overthrow the government in 1923 ( called the Beer Hall Putsch), __ NAZI's were Killed by trying to overthrow the government. 7. Hitler wrote his book __ __ while serving time in jail. 8.Heinrich Himmler becomes one of the most __ leaders in history 9. Joseph Goebells focuses on propaganda. His job was to brainwash the __ people 10. In January 1933 Hitler is appointed __ of Germany 11. By May 1933 Hitler orders that all un-German __ must be burnt 12. In June 1934 during the Night of Long Knives- all of Hitler's __ is killed 13. During the Nuremburg laws ( 1934) the __ are stripped of all of the citizenship 14. During Kristallnach ( Night of Broken __ ) the Nazi's destroyed all of the __ shops and Synagoges 15. The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941 was nicknamed, Operation __ Holocaust Studies
- 4. Why African slaves were needed?What kind of jobs did they do in the New World?